
In 2025, the entry deadline is June 13 at 11:59 PM EST. Late Registration is June 17 at 11:59 PM EST. Entries missing payment, waivers, or line-ups by this date may be scratched.

All entries must be made on Regatta Central.

Entry Fees:

  • 8+/8x = $200
  • 4+/4x = $130
  • 2x/2- = $85
  • 1x = $55

Entry Restrictions:

  • A competitor may represent only one club.
  • The regatta is Masters only: all rowers must be 21 years of age or older in the current calendar year. Exceptions: Coxswains and rowers in the parent/child 2x’s do not need to be masters age.
  • Composite crews are allowed but will not be awarded team points.
  • Please respect a 30-minute minimum between races. Races will not be delayed for hotseating.


All rowers and coxswains must have a current signed USRowing waiver for an entry to be considered complete.

DSMR is a USRowing sanctioned regatta. All competing clubs must be USRowing organizational members. Unaffiliated rowers must hold a “championship level” individual membership. All competitors, including coxswains and children in parent/child events, must have a current USRowing waiver on file.


Each event has an entry cap. Once the cap has been reached, entries will be placed on the waitlist. After the entry deadline, the Race Director may accept waitlist entries. Waitlisted entries made before the entry deadline but accepted after the deadline will not be subject to a late entry fee. Only accepted entries will incur entry charges.


After the entry deadline, there will be no refunds of entry fees for accepted boats. Unfortunately, we cannot give refunds for events canceled or delayed due to weather or other unforeseeable events. The regatta organizers will make every effort to run races on time. Inclement weather or other events beyond the control of the Regatta, however, may delay or require the cancellation of some events. Due to our overhead, we cannot give refunds for cancelled events. We value the safety and health of competitors above all other considerations and appreciate your understanding.

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